February 21, 2017    Updated Mar 23, 2017 with new information.   Also visit https://www.ry2.us/ry2-cbnp.html

The Friends of Crescent Bend Nature Park are reaching out to regional groups and citizens to inform them of the Secondary Pipeline Project by the Schertz-Sequin Local Government Corporation. This project in the near future will run a 36-inch water pipeline through Crescent Bend Nature Park.


The map above shows the proposed path of the pipeline to date. Note: The park entrance is located at the letter “B”. The pipeline will cross Cibolo Creek on Schaefer Road, cut across the park field to Lakeview Drive, and then follow down Lyndon Drive and Omar Drive. All within Crescent Bend’s boundaries.

More information can be found at this City of Schertz web site link http://schertz.com/?page_id=841 .

We do not know when this project will begin or how long it will take to lay the pipeline. We believe we still have time to change the path of the pipeline by organizing and taking our concerns and objections to the local government parties involved in this project.

We believe this pipeline project will devastate the wildlife in the park not only during construction but for many years in the future making Crescent Bend no longer a “Nature” park for all to enjoy. We need people to join us in attending city meetings, to be willing to speak on any expert subject to defend the park, and assist in contacting local officials on the park’s behalf.

To join us in saving Crescent Bend Nature Park, please email us at [email protected] . We will keep all informed on our next steps to alter the course of this pipeline. Please pass this information on to others whom you feel may have an interest in joining us.

Please return to this page for future updates and our plans to fight the pipeline.

Updated Feb 23, 2017

At the City of Schertz Town Hall meeting Tuesday night, Feb 21, a few members of the Friends of CBNP met with three upper city's managers to voice our concerns about the proposed pipeline. They were told the route of the pipeline is not final and one commented that he was unsure Bexar County would approve the plan. Crescent Bend is owned by Bexar County and managed by the City of Schertz per an interlocal agreement. 

Several members of the Friends are in the process of setting up a meeting with Tommy Calvert, precinct 4 Bexar County Commissioner. We're hopeful he will be able to change the minds of the City of Schertz.

Updated March 23, 2017 Letters to Local Officials

Crescent Bend Nature Park is owned by Bexar County and managed by the City of Schertz per a written agreement. We are asking those that oppose the water pipeline to write letters to the following local officials.

Schertz-Sequin Local Government Corporation

      Robin Dwyer, SSLGC President, P.O. Box 833, Seguin TX 78156, contact by email at web page http://www.seguintexas.gov/departments/sslgc/contact_us.php

Bexar County Offices to Contact 

     Director Heritage and Parks Betty Bueche       email [email protected]

     Parks Manager Ken McGlamery           email [email protected]

     Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Calvert, Precinct 4            email [email protected]

 City of Schertz Offices to Contact

     City Manager John Kessel       email [email protected]        

     Executive Director Brian James             email [email protected]

     Executive Director Dudley Wait            email [email protected]           

     Parks Director Chuck Van Zandt            email [email protected]

     Parks Asst. Director Lauren Shrum      email [email protected]                       

     To send emails to other Schertz officials, go to Schertz contact web page, http://schertz.com/?page_id=100

Sample Letter

Dear (Official's Name)

I’m writing you today to voice my concerns about the Secondary Pipeline Project by the Schertz-Sequin Local Government Corporation. This project has proposed the route of a 36” water pipeline through Crescent Bend Nature Park in Schertz, Bexar County.

(Write something personal about your experiences at the park)

I oppose SSLGC’s plan to route the water pipeline through Crescent Bend Nature Park. I believe this route will devastate the park’s wildlife during construction and for many years in the future. After the floods of 1997 and 1998 and before this land became a public park, the wildlife reclaimed Crescent Bend. This water pipeline will only cause some of it to disappear again.

I hope I can count on your support to oppose this route of the SSLGC project through Crescent Bend Nature Park.


Your Name